Our phones are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You NEVER have to leave a message and wait to be contacted. You always speak to a live person!
We provide ALL services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We never close - Our staff is always ready at a moment's notice to handle any and all situations. If you're open, we are open.
Emergency Service - We can handle all your problems. When you are down, we know you are losing money and customers so we will shift our work and ALWAYS accommodate and prioritize your emergency.
Communication- Our technicians never leave the job until our customers are satisfied. We want to know all the issues and problems so we can make the proper repair to your equipment.
We have 180 day guarantee for all parts and workmanship. If our part fails or we are recalled for the same repair within 180 days (6 months), the repair is FREE! ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Contact Us

Corporate Office
Corpus Christi
1378 Thirty-Seven Court
Corpus Christi, TX 78409
San Antonio
5731 Kenwick St
San Antonio, TX 78238
Email: protexsvc@gmail.com Fax: (361) 654-0083